How to cancel, pause or skip your Everlea subscription
Scroll down for a video tutorial for how to pause, cancel or skip months of your Everlea subscription from a mobile device.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to pause, cancel or skip specific month's shipments.
- Login to your account
- From a computer find your account at the right hand corner of the screen at the icon that looks like a person (as illustrated above).
- From your mobile find your account at the bottom of the navigation menu.
- Once you're in the account section of the website you will be given a new navigation menu. Go to it and choose 'subscriptions'
- From the 'manage' button, you will be given the option to 'pause' or 'skip' next month's shipment.
- To cancel or skip a specific month's shipment in the future press the button at the top of your subscription that looks like two arrows going in a circle (next to it, it will say 'active' and the date of your next payment). That will bring you to an area that allows you to pause, cancel or skip your subscription.
- To skip specific month's shipments click the link that says 'show upcoming orders' and choose the payment that occurs the month before the month you'd like to skip the shipment for. The reason I need a month's notice for your subscription is because natural dye processes require a three-week cure time before they get a final rinse. So, with new subscriptions coming in all the time, I need to know how much yarn to dye about a month in advance.