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Everlea Colour Club and Knitting Gnomes!
January 27, 2025
This year I'm doing a gnomey thing! I'm a participating dyer in @imagined_landscapes Year of Gnomes event. Year of Gnomes is a joyful, no-pressure knit-along hosted by @imagined_landscapes where...
International Knit in Public Day
June 4, 2024
This Saturday is International Knit in Public Day and I’ll be at Sechelt Market along with other local knitters, you guessed it, knitting in public....
New In-Person Workshop: Weave an Everlea Gradient
June 3, 2024
I’m excited to announce my new workshop, Weave an Everlea Gradient, at two locations this summer: Never woven before? No problem! This workshop is...
Art Crawl and Circle Craft
October 21, 2023
For the past month I have been working very long days. As in, today was the first day that I shut down shop at 5:30pm...
Knit City 2023 recap
September 26, 2023
Student work from my Intro to Tapestry: Weave a Sunset workshop Knit City was a whirlwind, but isn't it always?! My weekend began on Saturday...
Everlea Open Studio for Sunshine Coast Art Crawl, plus weaving demo
September 14, 2023
I'm very excited to open my studio for the Sunshine Coast Art Crawl on Saturday October 21st and Sunday October 22nd from 10am-5pm Weaving Demo...
Circle Craft Holiday Market - Save the date
September 1, 2023
I'm thrilled to share that I will be at the Circle Craft Holiday Market at Canada Place in Vancouver this year. The Circle Craft Christmas...
Upcoming in-person workshops
July 31, 2023
I am very excited to announce that my teaching schedule is full for the fall, and holy moly it's going to be fun. To begin...
Be a beach weaver with me!
July 2, 2023
Beach_weaving_July_2_2023 by Everlea Yarn This is beach weaving at its best. Today at the lake, I wove samples for my online students on my walnut...
Got Craft Market
May 8, 2023
Market season is in full swing! After a three-year hiatus it was wonderful to be back at my favourite yarn festival, Fibres West, again last...
Knit City 2022 Recap
October 11, 2022
Janna Vallee recounts teaching tapestry weaving and selling her naturally dyed Everlea Yarn and handcrafted tapestry looms. ...
SweetGeorgia Interview & SOS tapestry study group
May 21, 2022
I am excited to share that I have been featured in an interview on the SweetGeorgia Channel! Thank you to School of SweetGeorgia for the wonderful interview...